Each information source (GIS, CMS, or database) is accessed through an independent connector module. The modules communicate with one another via a central link module that acts as a switchyard. With this design, one can add new modules at any time without having to modify the existing modules.
All PlaceLynx modules are interoperable so web and desktop components can
be intermixed.
This architecture of interoperable modules forms the basis of a growing
family of integration products in which new modules are both easier to
create and more useful because of those that already exist.
How it works
PlaceLynx establishes connections between modules through link definitions. When such a link is initiated (either programmatically or through user interaction), the source connector gathers the pertinent data about the current objects of interest and sends these data to the central link module. The link module in turn forwards these data to the appropriate target connector where an action is performed on the related data. Link actions can select, create, or modify data in the target system.
A user selects a set of water facilities and executes links to find as-built
drawings and work orders. The selected documents appear in the CMS connector.
Conversely, the user might start with a selection of drawings and then link
to map to find related facilities.